律师楼英文(律师所 英文)

作者:admin 时间:24-10-30 阅读数:187人阅读


大型图表,职业,收入,风扇,另外,演员,电影,著名律师,大学,法官,医生,歌手,舞蹈演员,飞行员,商人,社会工作,护士,计算机程序,建筑师,有意义的工作large chart大型图表,occupation职业,earn收入,fans风扇,another另外,actor演员,famous电影,lawyer著名律师,University大学,judge法官,doctor。

是不是 B What U Wanna BWhat U Wanna B成为你想成为的人 doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师,还是歌手why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不是总统,成为一个有梦想的人you can you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为你想成为的人 police man。

律师楼英文(律师所 英文)

for the rich这个老年人不得不为了富裕的生活而工作应该是14If he ___moves__moveto the city ,he#39ll find an interesting jobIf 引导的从句均为一般现在时 括号里的好像是你少打了 15I want to be a ___lawer__law when I grow up我长大后想当一名律师 加er。

北京孙中伟律师事务所,英文名Beijing Zhongwei Sun Law Firm,由首届“北京市十佳青年律师”首届“北京市百名优秀刑辩律师”孙中伟先生于2009年8月1日创立,坐落在北京市东城区王府井大街277号好友写字楼2503室,是经北京市司法局批准依法登记成立的法律服务机构律师事务所执业许可证编号为。

The history of Baker McKenzie is a story of imagination, determination and hard work Over more than half a century, thousands of capable men and women have joined in the great adventure of creating, nurturing and maturing our unique global organizationBefore there was a law。

peerless 000045doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer医生,演员,律师或是歌手000348why not president, be a dreamer为什么不是总统呢 大胆地去梦想000581you can be just the one you wanna be你可以成为梦想中的那个人000946police man, fire fighter or a。

“本提议及任何我俩达成的协议必须基于我律师所草拟的正式合同” 2分 iii Would your advice in i differ if Barbara’s letter dated 15th July 2008 included the following paragraph?“I require verbal confirmation of your acceptance of this offer and will not accept anything less。
